Kaytee Meal Worm Wild Bird Food is a delicious 100% mealworm treat that provides a very good source of protein for wild birds. This high-energy food source is a favorite among bluebirds, wrens, robins, chickadees, woodpeckers, cardinals and plenty of songbirds that are hard to draw with the average seed blend. Dried mealworms have the nutritional value of live mealworms and are more convenient to feed. You’ll use them on my own in a feeder or mix them with your favorite wild bird seed.
Kaytee Mealworms are a very good, high-protein food source for plenty of wild birds. They’re a high-energy treat if you want to attract many species of birds that are difficult to draw with traditional seed blends.
Attract Bluebirds, Wrens, Robins, Chickadees, Woodpeckers and Cardinals
May also be fed on my own in a feeder or mixed with a favorited seed
Crucial source of food for baby birds
Oven dried for best quality
Product is intended for Wild Bird usage
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