Castor and Pollux ORGANIX Organic Dog Food Small Breed Recipe is a grain free dog food made with responsibly raised, organic free-range chicken as the first ingredient. ORGANIX dog food is USDA certified organic, so you can trust that this small breed dry dog food is made with organic chicken raised responsibly without any added growth hormones or antibiotics and that it contains no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. This healthy dog food dry recipe contains guaranteed levels of prebiotic fiber for the healthy digestion support your small breed dog needs. The organic produce used in this small breed dog food grain free recipe is grown without synthetic fertilizers or chemical pesticides. Organic is always Non-GMO, so you can rest assured that this small dog food organic recipe is made without any GMO ingredients. Castor and Pollux dog food recipes are cooked with love in an organically certified USA kitchen.
One (1) 4 lb Bag – Castor and Pollux ORGANIX Grain Free Small Dog Food Recipe, Organic Dog Food
USDA organic certified grain free dry dog food for small dogs that is made with organic chicken raised without any added growth hormones or antibiotics
Natural dog food that is nutrient packed with a blend of superfoods, including organic flaxseed, organic blueberries and organic sweet potatoes
This Non GMO dog food recipe contains no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors and is made without corn, wheat, soy, chickpeas or lentils
This organic grain free dog food also contains prebiotic fiber to support healthy digestion
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