Fill your dog’s bowl with the SmartBlend of ingredients found in Purina ONE +Plus Natural Skin & Coat Formula with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients adult dry dog food. This high protein dog food features real salmon as the #1 ingredient, and when combined with rice, oatmeal and other high-quality ingredients, delivers easy-to-digest 100% complete and balanced nutrition for your adult dog. The wholesome formula contains vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids to promote your dog’s skin and coat health, and with no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives and 0% fillers, every ingredient in this skin and coat dog food has a purpose. High protein in every serving helps to support your dog’s strong muscles, including a healthy heart, and natural sources of glucosamine help support joint health. Our Purina ONE premium dog food for sensitive skin features calcium-rich crunchy kibble to deliver the taste and texture he loves while supporting strong teeth and healthy gums.
One (1) 31.1 lb. Bag – Purina ONE +Plus Adult Skin & Coat Formula Dry Dog Food
Sensitive skin dog food made with real salmon as the #1 ingredient to help support strong muscles, including a healthy heart
A SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients in this adult dog food, along with vitamin E and omega-6 fatty acids, promotes healthy skin and a radiant coat
Purina ONE Skin & Coat dog food includes four antioxidant sources for a strong immune system and natural glucosamine sources for joint health
Calcium and deliciously crunchy bites in this dog food kibble support strong teeth and healthy gums
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