How long does a Russian cat live- average life span

How long does a Russian cat live- average life span

Russian cats are known as intelligent cats with beautiful blue-green eyes. These are not just sweet but also loyal animals and true friends.

One question asked by cat owners is how long does a Russian cat live. the owners need to be well aware of the life span so they can take care in long term and make an informed decision. In this article, we will discuss how long does a Russian cat live and factors affecting life of Russian cats.

How Long Does a Russian Cat Live?

The average life span of a Russian cat is 14-20 years but with proper care, Russian cats can live more than 20 years. A Russian cat’s lifespan is more than a domestic cat, whose life span is just 11-17 years. However, with care, Russian cats can live for 25 years. The life span of a Russian indoor cat is different from Russian outdoor cat. So let’s look at how long Russian cats live indoors and outdoors.

How Long Can An Indoor Russian Cat Live For?

Indoor Russian cats can live for 17-20 years. Some cats even love it for more than 20 years. This lifespan is higher than outdoor Russian cats because indoor cats have less exposure to germs, dust, and diseases. Another reason for more lifespan of indoor Russian cats is that they receive more care and diet, which help them to live longer.

How Long Can An Outdoor Russian Cat Live For?

The lifespan of an outdoor Russian cat is from 7-12 years. This life span is less because outdoor Russian cats face dust, germs, and diseases. They come across fights with different animals, which can lead them to death, injuries, or infection.

But outdoor cats may live longer if provided with a safe outdoor environment. Visiting a veterinarian and providing proper diet and vaccination could help Russian cats to live longer.

Factors that can determine how long does a russian cat live?

Many factors affect the lifespan of Russian cats. These are as follows:


Nutrition is one of the most critical factors affecting Russian cats’ life span. These cats need a proper diet, even if they are kittens or adult Russian cats. The diet should include meat because Russian cats are carnivores animal.


Exercise can also help to increase the lifespan of Russian cats. Kitten Russian cats require more play time as compared to adult cats. Half an hour is recommended for adult cats, and kittens need at least two hours to play. Some cats love water, so you can put them in the pool and let them play.

Veterinary Health Care

Russian cats may encounter dangerous infections, which could lead them to death. These infections could also impact the growth of cats. Even minor injuries could result in life-threatening conditions.

With proper veterinary health care, Russian cats could be rescued from infections and help them to complete their life cycle.


Neglection could also affect the life cycle of a Russian cat. So your love, attention, and proper care could help them to live long.


Now the cat owner knows how long does a russian cat live. But with proper care and diet, cats could live longer than the average life span. However, there are different genetics of Russian cats which determine their lifespan. But if the cat receives proper nutrition, exercise, attention, and love, they can become loyal friends.


How long does a Russian white cat live?

The average lifespan of a Russian cat is 15 years. But if the Russian cat receives healthy nutrients, it can live more tha 15 years.

How long do black Russian cats live?

The average lifespan of a black Russian cat is 15-20 years. These cats are quiet with smiling faces, and the owners could easily train them.

Which health problems could affect the life span of a Russian cat?

The health problems that can affect the lifetime of Russian cats are infections, viruses, and bacteria, which could lead to the flu, abscesses, eye diseases, and brain issues.



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