Prepared with delicious, whole food ingredients, Health Extension Grain Free Turkey & Salmon Recipe is packed with every nutrient felines need to thrive. Naturally raised turkey and responsibly harvested salmon are the first ingredients, so you know your kitty is getting healthy levels of animal protein and Omega 3’s in every bite. This complete and balanced dry cat food also includes whole garden vegetables, antioxidant-rich berries and taurine, which is essential for feline health. Along with a proprietary blend of cutting-edge ingredients like turmeric, apple cider vinegar, natural probiotics and pure coconut oil. With nutrients like these, our Grain Free Turkey & Salmon Recipe offers everything cats and kittens require for a long, healthy and happy life
CAT FOODS MADE HEALTHY: It is a portion of perfect cat food for your cat of all ages ; Our dried foods are made from high-quality meat and contain no rendered animal fats, added sugar, Ethoxyquin, or BHT ;Great tasting foods that show your cat you care
A TASTY AND HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE TO STORE-BOUGHT FOODS: Treat your cat to something delicious ; The foods contain no corn, glycerin, wheat or soy, to allow for a tasty food that your cat will adore and has a savory flavor to tempt even the pickiest cat
THE PREMIUM CAT FOODS YOU CAN TRUST: Our foods are made with real meat and other wholesome ingredients packed with vitamins, and minerals ; And because they’re made without artificial preservatives, flavors, you can feel good about feeding your cat
MAKE YOUR FELINE FRIENDS GO CRAZY FOR THIS CAT FOODS: Our cat foods are grain and gluten-free, making them perfect for cats with sensitivities ; It is designed to promote an active lifestyle packed with probiotics yet an ideal food for your kitty cat
CAT FOOD WITHOUT THE JUNK: Our foods are an easy way to show your kitty how much you care about their health ; Now, make feeding time even more exciting with our cat foods ; These foods go beyond the basics to deliver high-quality nutrition in every bite
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